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Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx Flight

  1. Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx Flight Tracker
  2. Microsoft Flight Sim Fsx

The link to Mr. Stone's site mentions something interesting, namely about textures.

I ran into the same problem with my own creations, e.g., any parts not assigned a texture will simply show up as black. Revamping my own (single) project for use in FSX has been a work-in-progress since FSX was released; although mine involves a thorough re-tweaking, I can not imagine having to modify a large number of projects to get them all to display properly, as had been mentioned in the above-noted link. That, plus the landing-light issue (which I am still stuggling to figure out), brings to mind 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. I am impressed with the features FSX has and the promise it offers, but it just seems overly complicated as to the changes that have been made that will need to be taken into consideration by developers. Torad wrote:I was trying to get FS2004 planes to FSX and all are funkcioning well, except gauges.

So i'm replacing it with defalut FSX gauges in panel.cfg. But now i need some specialized one.

Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx FlightHifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx FlightFsx

So i loked into SDK (i'm not from english speking country), but don't understand it so well to be able to convert it. Can somebody help me?I can't help you with the SDK - way too complicated for a simple mind like mineWhile you are waiting for someone who actually knows how to use the SDK to come along, you could always simply alias some of the default panels to your imported aircraft. Example: for the MD-11s or The DC-10s I use the default 737 0r 777 panels.

Hifi Sim Xpax Fs9 Fsx Flight Tracker

Obviously for small GA aircraft you would be looking at the default Beech Baron -King Air etc.The beauty about this is that you don't have to mess with gauges. If the panel you've aliased doesn't work to your satisfaction, change the 'alias' to another 'alias'. I can't help you with the SDK - way too complicated for a simple mind like mineWhile you are waiting for someone who actually knows how to use the SDK to come along, you could always simply alias some of the default panels to your imported aircraft. Example: for the MD-11s or The DC-10s I use the default 737 0r 777 panels. Obviously for small GA aircraft you would be looking at the default Beech Baron -King Air etc.The beauty about this is that you don't have to mess with gauges. If the panel you've aliased doesn't work to your satisfaction, change the 'alias' to another 'alias'.Yes, i'm doing exactly this, but unfortunetly (for me:D), i most enjoy flying on virtual cocpit. For example Posky A330.

It is allready done with in version for FSX, with defalut panel on A321. So i downloaded VC model and gauges. After that i was playing for log time with panel.cfg and finaly i replaced all of these gauges with FSX defalut.

Microsoft Flight Sim Fsx

But i can change only type of it, and A330 has very comlicated VC definition. So for example when i wand to change smth in autopilot, i must turn on main panel. After all it's still beter to fly on VC. If you want i can send you a screenshot. I'm not sure if I understand you or if I understand the connection/interaction between VC and 2D completely.I always thought that if you use a gauge or switch in a clickable VC it would relay the command to the 2D. So, if you use an fs9 VC, it wouldn't possibly be able to access a current (non-XML) gauge for FSX, considering that the VC is an integrated part of the model. But I'm willing to learn in case I've got it all wrong.Yes Torad, post a screenshot or two or three - might help us to see what you've come up with.